Xanthic Prevaricating Barf
A true dictator up on stage will always
clap for himself to make the audience continue to clap.
A wannabe dictator will do the same thing.
A wannabe dictator will do the same thing.
A true dictator once on stage will suggest his might and promoted strength by displaying a constant lip locked frowning sneer.
A wannabe dictator will do the same thing.
Why even rogue leaders with the same mentality as Trump’s want him to ascend to the throne. Vladimir Putin praised Trump when he said in December of 2015, “He's a really brilliant and talented person, without any doubt.”
Someone of dictatorial leanings will always attack any of his opponents by accusing them of being and behaving of what he truly is and does. It is a diversion strategy, no matter how temporarily, to sway his actual conduct off onto his opponent. It throws the interviewer off guard causing an imbalance in reporting facts.
For example, Trump’s spokesperson,
Katrina Pierson on a 12/23/2016 CNN interview accused Hillary of bullying, when
she said without any proof or naming of a witness, “What’s interesting about this, this notion of being bullied is, I mean,
I can think of quite a few women that have been bullied by Hillary Clinton to
hide her husband’s misogynist, sexist secrets.”
This whole event started after Trump
ripped into Hillary by saying she got “schlonged”
(no interpretation required) by Obama in the 2008 Democrat primary campaign. Pierson
said this in rebuttal to Trump being pointed out of bullying reporters and his former
GOP presidential primary contenders. Of course, if she really wants to get into
the misogyny and sexist dig, then yeah, on Bill, definitely ya could go there,
but does she really, in considering the load of misogynist and sexist acts
Trump has acted out just in the presidential campaign, much less throughout his
adult life. Also, it is he who is running for president and not Bill. What’s the
Trump campaign on this matter got on Hillary...absolutely nothing; nada.
Why even in New Hampshire while on the
stump speaking to a small crowd this past August 25, 2016, Trump himself blurted,
“What does she (Hillary) do when she can't defend her record? She bullies voters, who only want a better
future, and tries to intimidate them out of change.”
Now, for Trump’s obnoxious
bullying...let me state and remind us all of just a recent few.
Trump’s childish name calling in his
tweets and speeches is classic requisite number one in being a bully. Trump
caters well to this. Trump’s bullying transfers mostly into bluffing. He
attempts to hit home hard with it while at the same time bringing a sort of
nauseating and obnoxious entertainment strolling along with it.
Ted,” “Little Marco,” “Low-energy Jeb,” “Crooked Hillary” and the word, “stupid”
flung out to just about everyone he felt threatened by in their response to his
baseless accusations, or in calling him out, or in correcting his falsehoods. An
array of Trump tweet slurs to public figures, media and journalist personnel have
ranged from, “terrible person,” “lightweight,” “loser,” “moron,” “unattractive,” “has no clue,” to “dumb guy,”
“a totally overrated clown,” “boring and not even a little relevant,” “a waste” and of all things “a total
hypocrite.” For the few out of much more Trumpisms here, I’ll let you the
reader search if ya want to in who he has said these to.
Who could forget Trump mocking prize
winning investigative journalist, Serge Kovaleski at a South Carolina campaign
rally. Kovaleski is disabled with a congenital joint condition from birth. When
Trump continued to back his false claim that he saw thousands of Newark
American Muslims celebrating the 9/11 attacks, after much scrutiny by reporters
requesting Trump to prove the claim, he finally falsely pointed out that he
read it from a Kovaleski article. This even sidestepped Trump’s original claim
that he saw it on TV. Of course Kovaleski never reported that and said so.
Trump didn’t like that, so attacks the disabled journalist at the S.C. rally by
raising his arms in a jerky motion.
Trump further creates falsehoods in stating he never mocked Kovaleski, because he never met him. That’s a fairly large sized dropped cow chip, for Kovaleski covered Trump person to person while working with the ‘New York Daily News’ between 1987-1993. But, as the video above poignantly shows...oh, yes he did.
According to bully experts like, Jaana
Juvonen a development psychologist and professor at UCLA, one can tick off with
a check every character bully trait Trump exhibits. She states, “Bullies feel really good about themselves.
They come out looking like they have very high self-esteem, but one way to
think about it is that self-esteem is so highly dependent on the popularity, so
if there’s any problem, if somebody dares to criticize them that might make
them more vulnerable. When somebody criticizes them, they attack
immediately…they can’t stand that they are being criticized.” Sound
familiar with ol’ thin-skinned?
To see a glimpse of what a bully is and
isn’t click on the DNCC video below:
On numerous occasions, Trump and his campaign has accused Hillary of being a bigot and racist. In that same August New Hampshire event stated above, Trump once again accused Hillary of being a racist in only wanting to grab minority votes. A little reminder is one of his supporter’s reactions when Trump claimed Hillary a bigot is below in the 23 second video.
It’s kind of mindboggling in accusing her of being bigoted, when Hillary was on the front lines in the very inception of the ‘Civil Rights Movement’. After first hearing a Martin Luther King speech at only fourteen years of age, she volunteered for civil rights and babysat for migrant workers who could not afford any kind of child care. At age twenty she denounced her party, the Republican Party for being biased at the Miami RNC convention due to Richard Nixon supporters, who wanted segregation to continue, physically beating Nelson Rockefeller supporters who wanted segregation to end. At Wellesley College, she graduated as class valedictorian where she led demonstrations and an affront to racial barriers, forcing the college to admit more Blacks. She’s been championing civil rights for all Americans ever since.
Even Ben Carson, who spoke by phone to
the ‘Daily Beast’, has told Trump to cut it out in calling Hillary a bigot. He said
that, “I would not call Clinton a bigot.
That’s what people do who don’t have anything to talk about.”
As for Trump, well in insisting Hillary
as racist when insinuating, “Only
desperate liars call their opponent racist. Also Hillary is racist,” kind
of defies logic. To insist Hillary is a racist, then from his own illogical
words he must be the desperate liar. That is what he said right...and as we’ll
see below he is right.
As mentioned in my last article,
‘Overdosed Conjoined Carnies’ Trump had his apartment supervisors list a ‘C’ on
current tenant’s leases and tenant applications coding them as people of color.
Any application with a ‘C’ on it minority prospects were denied apartment
rental and any existing tenant with a ‘C’ on their lease were forced out or not
renewed. He was sued for it, but settled the case to keep it from going to
court and never admitted any wrong doing blaming it all on the supervisors.
In the ‘Central Park Five’ case of five
Black youths, who were innocent but found guilty of brutally beating a female
jogger, Trump showed his true orange color. These youths were only 14-16 years
old. Trump in bold ‘New York Daily’ headlines belts out: ‘BRING BACK THE DEATH PENALTY’ while calling them in the article “roving gang,” “park marauders” and “crazed
misfits.” Even after Matias Reyes later confessed to the attack, among
other rapes, Trump would never apologize for his convenient racialized hysteria.
Trump Tower and Casino former president,
John O’Donnell wrote a memoir about the financial troubles being experienced by
the Trump syndicate and Trump’s response to it. O’Donnell wrote what Trump said
and felt was wrong, “I’ve got black
accountants at Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza—black guys counting my money! I
hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that
wear yarmulkes every day. Those are the kind of people I want counting my
money. Nobody else; besides that, I’ve got to tell you something else. I think
that the guy is lazy and it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a
trait in blacks. It really is; I believe that. It’s not anything they can
Trump’s incorrigible insistence for over
six years that President Obama was foreign born is demeaning to the nation’s
first African American. Even after Obama had first issued a copy of his long
form birth certificate in 2009, Trump was still relentless with it, accusing it
was a forged copy, or that he was sending nonexistent investigators to Hawaii
to prove the forge, or that Sid Blumenthal, a democrat said that Obama was born
in Kenya, even though Blumenthal insists he never said that. Then Trump calls
Blumenthal a liar. Funny though in insisting Blumenthal did say that, he was
touting him as a deliverer of truth. But to meld and gloss it all over in saying,
“Hillary started the birther movement, I
finished it” is as about as throat gagging obnoxious as one can get.
In Trump’s comments concerning the
Mexican-American federal judge/Trump University lawsuit, Paul Ryan called it, “textbook racism,” even though of course Ryan’s
still voting for him. Loyalty to party over nation is still that strong a pull.
To top this racist portion off, when
Trump said Hillary was catering to Blacks simply for their votes, what the heck
has he been doing? With his recent campaign shakeup, I’m quite sure new
management said we’re going to have to attract some minorities if Trump really
wants to win. So that’s why you’ve seen him lately with lackluster pandering to
Blacks simply for their votes. The real truth though is that the Trump campaign
knows the minority vote is a lost cause for them. What specific electorate
they’re after is the white suburban educated female vote that is taken aback by
his racist antics. This Trump campaign performance is to show them he really
cares, really he does....not.
It’s funny though, in kicking off the
new and improved Trump image, he goes to Michigan to address minority, in
particular Black problems to an almost exclusive White district and audience.
Then just this week gallivants off to Cleveland to have Don King praise him
with the camera only showing a few Blacks behind Trump and King, with an audience
composed virtually of all White folk.
Trump falsely claims Hillary is for getting
rid of the constitution’s 2nd Amendment therefore all Republicans
proclaim she is anti-constitutional. Speaking of that, Trump is for banning
reporters and journalists that disagree with him; even to sue any legitimate
media. A big strike against the 1st Amendment in freedom of press. Trump
claims, if he becomes president he will make it legal to sue them if they
confront his falsities. For over five decades now, during the early sixties, a
conservative leaning U.S. Supreme Court said for a public figure to sue a
respectable news outlet, “actual malice”
must be proven. That means the media source intentionally printed a falsehood
to wrong you; ya know like ‘Fox News’ and ‘Breitbart News’ does but gets away
with. The ruling ensures that the press may have broad freedoms and not be
Most all Republicans preach religious liberties, but only if it applies to fundamentalist moral majority Christians. According to right-wing dictates, all other denominations and various other religions do not get to lay hands on that 1st Amendment cornerstone that guarantees all religions freedom of expression. I mean, why, how dare a Muslim restaurateur refuse fundamentalists service.
Trump throws water at and dunks the 8th
Amendment of delisting cruel and unusual punishment in promoting and wanting to
bring back waterboarding torture. Trump has even suggested not stopping at
killing terrorists, but further, to execute their entire families as well.
The 14th Amendment’s ethic
clause of equal protection has been blown out the window in Trump claiming “a total and complete shutdown of all Muslim
mosques” and “ban reentry of Muslim Americans who have
traveled abroad.”
But it’s not just Trump’s ignorance of
the constitution; he simply doesn’t care if his policies go against the U.S.
I don’t know exactly why, but occasionally
I get letters from Rep. Keith Rothfus (R-PA) who represents a Pittsburgh
district that I have no affiliation with. His latest is below preaching about
adhering to the constitution. The e-mail I fired back to him follows Rothfus’
Pay for play...that is what Trump has
accused Hillary of with the beefed up turkey jerk Republicans have been fueling
on yet another GOP induced tiring Hillary conspiracy.
The Clinton’s have not on personal
expenditures spent one dime of the ‘Clinton Foundation’ donations. The
foundation is a good cause in saving countless millions of lives globally. So
what if a donor that happened to be Nobel Peace Prize, Muhammad Yunus, or Nobel
Laureate and Holocaust survivor, Elie Wiesel, or Melinda Gates met with
Hillary? Yes they have donated to the foundation for its worthy humanitarian
causes. As Secretary of State, she had every right to meet with them. They’re
international public figures and surely did not ask Hillary for any under the
table handouts in return for their donations. This is even an insult to them
and their causes.
But as for Trump in his pay for play,
what about the 2013 $25,000.00 donation to Florida’s Attorney General Pam Bondi
in her bid for reelection and the $30,000.00 to then Attorney General Greg
Abbott to add to his campaign’s bank account while running for the Texas
governorship. In both states, Trump University was being considered by both respective
state governments to proceed with a lawsuit in Trump U. taking student money
but not offering any education or classes. But also in both states, once the
Trump donation came in the lawsuits magically disappeared; in Bondi’s case a
mere three days later.
Ms. Bondi actually claims she didn’t return Trump’s foundation money because then that would’ve looked like a bribe. Ain’t that nice, thoughtful and considerate...
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Trump & Bondi |
Ms. Bondi actually claims she didn’t return Trump’s foundation money because then that would’ve looked like a bribe. Ain’t that nice, thoughtful and considerate...
On Trump’s plane, CBS digital journalist,
Sopan Deb hit Trump up with the big question, did you discuss the contribution
with Bondi? Now Trump insists, “No, I never spoke to her. First of all she’s a
fine person beyond reproach. I never spoke to her about it at all. She’s a fine
person. Never spoken to her about it. Never.”
OK, we get that she’s a swell person and
all and that the two, according to Trump never talked about it, even though the
repeating of words appears to be a very nervous state. But according to an AP
report this past June 2016, “Florida's
attorney general personally solicited a political contribution from Donald
Trump around the same time her office deliberated joining an investigation of
alleged fraud at Trump University and its affiliates.”
Even though Bondi was very aggressive in
pushing back at the report and ranted at length claiming it to be impropriety,
she never disputed the core of the story that she personally met with Trump
privately in soliciting the contribution.
Heck, we all know what was going on,
Trump even admits it himself, when he boasted on the GOP primary campaign trail
that when it comes to pay and play of being on the other side, he knows the
game well. Last year he said to the ‘Wall Street Journal’, “As a businessman and a very substantial
donor to very important people, when you give, they do whatever the hell you
want them to do.”
On July 08, 2015 Trump reiterated to
CNN’s, Anderson Cooper when he confessed, “As
a businessman I could have gotten anything from anybody. Everybody loved me.
When I called them they always treated me well. And that's part of the game.
And that's part of what's wrong with this country.”
Yet...Trump’s still playing that game,
but now, just on the other end.
Originally I was going to list a few of
Trump’s lies; there are over 200 to choose from in the presidential campaign
season alone. But I’m not going to sit here and list not even one. What for;
I’m only relating to the choir, but mostly to myself. If anyone on the right
reads an article of mine, they cannot get past the first sentence without
convulsing in disgust. They can’t even attempt to be reasonable and come up
with a factual argument to counter with. If they pointed out I truly
misinformed, I would immediately correct the error. I don’t like misinforming;
in fact I despise falsities accepted as the truth.
I had a friend, a smart friend from
Texas come up to visit. We got rolling into a conversation of politics. He’s a
devout Republican and Trump supporter. In debating he came out and said how
Democrats lie and used the example that it was the local Democrat officials
that gave the decision to use Flint River for the city’s drinking and tap
water. Not so lightly, I told him, “What are you talking about, it was Governor
Snyder’s emergency management’s decision to cut costs and that local officials
had no say due to the fact Snyder’s management had total authority in what was
to be conducted, overriding any authority of local officials once the emergency
management had taken over.” He denied it, I denied his denials. So, to prove a
point I looked up several reliable articles he could see for himself. He walked
over to the computer, did a quick two second scroll then, without reading,
promptly got up with a puckered smile still insisting it was a local decision.
He shunned the truth in favoring not to be exposed to it simply to adhere to
his belief.
The right-wing doesn’t care about facts...it
is all about biased ideology. When Trump lies his supporters believe him even
more. When Trump fallacies are factually pointed out, they cheer him even more.
The more he insults others with third grader mentalities, the more his base
leads him on. The more Trump puts on cheap entertainment performances rather
than appearing more presidential, the more his supporters clap. Trump will
never be held accountable for his crimes and his Trump supporters love him even
more for that.
But what’s most sickening is whenever Trump
pops out innuendos of Hillary being executed by some gun nut, they find that compelling.
Ya know when he behooved at a North Carolina rally, “Hillary wants to abolish -- essentially abolish the Second Amendment.
By the way, if she gets to pick, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you
can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't
know.” Or, at a Miami, Florida rally where he demurred, “I think they should take her bodyguards’
(in reference to the Secret Service agents that guard her) guns away. Take their guns away. She doesn't want guns. Let's see what
happens to her. Take their guns away. It would be very dangerous.”
There is not a side-by-side comparison
between Hillary’s 50% deplorable statement and Mitt Romney’s 47% as Republicans
are attempting to portray it as her own 47% moment. Romney said it in a private
meeting where no reporters were allowed along with photography or videoing
forbidden. In Clinton’s case, she stated it in the open with reporters and with
recording equipment in attendance.

Trump’s base truly is composed of the deplorable. The only point wrong on Hillary’s comment was that it is far more than just half in the ‘deplorable basket’...it’s all of them...the basket is full.
It’s composed of the most obvious deplorable kind including biker gangs, unstable gun fanatics who think of assault weapons as toys, the racist Klan and religious zealots thinking that God has chosen him. Why not, for Trump has surrounded himself with white nationalists and spurious characters. He’s awakened them all to a new beginning. This is their chance for revival.

The newly invigorated white nationalist
movement likes to now call themselves the ‘Alt-right’, but it’s still the same
old dominance racist movements hiding behind the sheets of white supremacy and
cultural nationalism.
Trump’s new campaign manager, Steve
Bannon is of the Alt-right fold. When he was CEO of ‘Breitbart News’ he pushed
articles moving towards the fringe of coddling nationalist extremism. Under his
tutelage there was a push to villainize minority victims like Trevor Martin and
Mike Brown while praising their shooters. Bannon’s beefed up anti-immigrant rhetoric
in articles manipulated or made up numbers to fuel anti-immigrant sentiment. So
of course it was a natural move to go from ‘Breitbart’ to Trump headquarters. Trump
has reportedly given the internet site money to speak highly of him. Breitbart
staffers have confessed that Trump gave money to ‘Breitbart’ for favorable
coverage. Bannon has written and produced white nationalist films like
‘Torchbearer’ which is designed to frighten in putting the wrath of fear into
Whites in believing their culture is being wiped out in America. The movie
features Phil Robertson of ‘Duck Dynasty’ infamy who is the guy riddled with
anti-gay rhetoric and said “Blacks were
all happy and singing pre-entitlement, pre-welfare.” It is a movie geared
to Christians containing footage of actual people being shot and killed and
burned to death.
Republican strategist and conspiracist
enthusiast, Roger Stone is the one who headlined the conspiracy on Fox News that
there was a film exposing Michelle Obama as referring to White people as ‘whiteys’
during the 2008 campaign. Of course the video never materialized. Stone has
been consulting and advising Trump, even to the point of apologizing for his
tardiness at the ‘America First’ Cleveland rally explaining he had an important
meeting with the Trump campaign.
Roger Ailes, noted for his spread of
misinformation, sexism and a load of sexual misconduct over at ‘Fox News’ is
now Trump’s chief strategist.
Former Representative Michelle Bachmann
(R-WI) is Trump’s religious guru advising him on evangelical issues, even
though she says she’s advising him on of all things...foreign policy. Bachmann
claims God picked Trump to be the Republican nominee. Of course she declares
this only after he has won the general election. She originally endorsed Ronald
Reagan where, at a MENSA prayer breakfast this past January she defended it by
saying, “Let me just get this out of the
way too. Yes, the Constitution says that you can’t serve more than two
consecutive terms in the White House. But it doesn’t say anything about ghosts
or zombies having a third term, and I’m pretty sure since he’s been dead for
almost twelve years, and out of office for over 25 years, that the consecutive
part doesn’t count either. I don’t care if he’s a ghost or zombie, he’s going
to be more respectful of the Constitution that Obummer was, I can promise you
She also proclaimed on ‘The Christian
Network’s ‘Brody file’ in reference to Hillary winning the election, “I don't want to be melodramatic but I do
want to be truthful. I believe without a shadow of a doubt this is the last
election. This is it. This is the last election. This is the last election when
we even have a chance to vote for somebody who will stand up for godly moral
principles. This is it.”
Al Baldasaro, a state lawmaker in New
Hampshire and current co-chair of Trump’s national veterans’ coalition, on a
number of times has demanded, “Hillary
Clinton should be put in the firing line and shot for treason.”
Trump gladly accepts the backing and
endorsement of Richard Spencer, Jared Taylor, David Duke, Texe Marrs and David
Barton. Spencer is head of the ‘National Policy Institute’ calling for an
ethnic peaceful cleansing to halt the destruction of the U.S.s European
culture. He says of Trump, “Even in all
his vulgarity and I would never deny him, this is what we want in a leader.”
Taylor is editor of the racist magazine,
‘American Renaissance’ who wants to have civil rights disavowed. He has said, “Trump should concentrate on his natural
constituency, which is white people, suggesting that winning 65 percent of the
white vote would overwhelm any Democratic gains with minorities.” Of course
we all know the former KKK Grand Duke Wizard, was so enthralled of Trump’s
speeches that it motivated Duke to run for Louisiana’s U.S. senate as a
Just today (09/25/16), Duke was going to
protest the protesters protesting Andrew Jackson’s statue in New Orleans,
Louisiana. He was drowned out by the protesters, but before he was jeered down,
he said this, “I tell you one thing. It
was built by the forefathers of the European Americans who created this country
and who gave us our constitution. Who gave us our freedoms and they should not
lose their rights and liberty in their own country.” Although Duke doesn’t
realize it, but that is exactly why the minority protesters were there...they
haven’t been given their true freedoms and in having to worry if a cop is going
to shoot them or not for any minor violation, they haven’t yet had any real
rights or liberties to be taken away “in
their own country.”
Marrs is a conspiracy theorist and Christian writer who has strong anti-Jewish leanings. He said on the Jeff Rense radio show, “Israel is going to be destroyed and it is going to happen so fast we'll all be shocked about it. It's going to happen and I've been wondering if maybe, let me just say something here, could Trump be the instrument of God in this? He doesn't have to be a Hitler, he doesn't have to be a Stalin; he can simply be a good guy.”
Barton is a part-time preacher barker and myth maker historian. At a moral majority voter mobilization, a caller told Barton that she, as a Christian found it hard to vote for someone like Trump. In dismissing those concerns, Barton told her, “Christians do not have a choice about whether or not they are going to vote because God has commanded them to do so and therefore they must vote for the candidate who is going to promote policies that most closely align with the Bible.” He then assures her that God’s choice is indeed Donald Trump.
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Duke amongst his pals |
Marrs is a conspiracy theorist and Christian writer who has strong anti-Jewish leanings. He said on the Jeff Rense radio show, “Israel is going to be destroyed and it is going to happen so fast we'll all be shocked about it. It's going to happen and I've been wondering if maybe, let me just say something here, could Trump be the instrument of God in this? He doesn't have to be a Hitler, he doesn't have to be a Stalin; he can simply be a good guy.”
Barton is a part-time preacher barker and myth maker historian. At a moral majority voter mobilization, a caller told Barton that she, as a Christian found it hard to vote for someone like Trump. In dismissing those concerns, Barton told her, “Christians do not have a choice about whether or not they are going to vote because God has commanded them to do so and therefore they must vote for the candidate who is going to promote policies that most closely align with the Bible.” He then assures her that God’s choice is indeed Donald Trump.
So Trump, the sage of anti-political
correctness baby cried about being called a deplorable then whines to his
supporters that she also was referring to them and they all wail in unison; so
sad. Well, as outsourced from ‘News Corpse’ the list below is a response of
‘Fox News’ bloggers to Hillary’s pneumonia bout during the 9/11 ceremonies. You
be the judge if their comments are acts of deplorability.
Yepper, some mighty nasty folk in that Trump basket and for sure some higher ups are included as well. Take for instance Alex Jones’ comments after hearing word of Hillary’s illness. He tells the tale of his initial reaction on his September 12, radio show, “Yes, I’ve been containing a Cheshire Cat grin all day long. My dad, we were out at the lake with the kids when this news came in. (Infowars reporter) Lee Ann (McAdoo) was texting me, so was (Infowars reporter Joe) Biggs. I went and saw the video. And I went, Yeah! Yeah! I was just like, just literally just in ecstasy. And my dad said, ‘“That is horrible, celebrating over that sick woman even though I hate her too.’” And I went, No, this is a devastating victory against the enemy and more of the avalanche of them being discredited and the hand of God is upon this. And it’s only going to get better the more good people take action. That’s why evil always fears us and does everything they can to try to contain us throughout history and suppress us because they’re scared of us. Look at these hunchbacked demons. They’re nothing.”
Yepper, some mighty nasty folk in that Trump basket and for sure some higher ups are included as well. Take for instance Alex Jones’ comments after hearing word of Hillary’s illness. He tells the tale of his initial reaction on his September 12, radio show, “Yes, I’ve been containing a Cheshire Cat grin all day long. My dad, we were out at the lake with the kids when this news came in. (Infowars reporter) Lee Ann (McAdoo) was texting me, so was (Infowars reporter Joe) Biggs. I went and saw the video. And I went, Yeah! Yeah! I was just like, just literally just in ecstasy. And my dad said, ‘“That is horrible, celebrating over that sick woman even though I hate her too.’” And I went, No, this is a devastating victory against the enemy and more of the avalanche of them being discredited and the hand of God is upon this. And it’s only going to get better the more good people take action. That’s why evil always fears us and does everything they can to try to contain us throughout history and suppress us because they’re scared of us. Look at these hunchbacked demons. They’re nothing.”
It’s been said whenever emotions are
high, intelligence becomes low. That is exactly what has happened to Republicans
in the relationship between the Republican politician and base. Republican
politicians stoke the fires of fear and anger building on the emotions of their
base with misinformation and scapegoats to further frustrate their mainly white
aging base and fringe supporters. Whether a Republican politician admits or
not, he/she knows that their base has gone extreme.
What is the Trump moniker, ‘Make America
Great Again’? What exactly does that mean? Whenever I ask a Republican Trumper,
they literally cannot come back with an answer. They have not thought about it
or analyzed its meaning. They seem to seek some fantasized glorious past in
America’s history where the streets were paved of gold and all the white folk
well fed and employed, all housed in two car garage homes with two cats in the
yard and one dog on the couch. It simply did not exist.
The slogan of ‘America First’ Trump
first used, was originally created by a very Liberal movement in 1940 called
the ‘American First Committee’. Apparently Trump got wind of that so changed
the moniker to ‘Make America Great Again’ that he conveniently stole from the
Reagan campaign.
Sticker Crass:
The ‘Daily Show’s host, Trevor Noah sent
his sidekick, Jordan Klepper out to interview Trump supporters at a Trump rally
concerning conspiracy theories. Believe me, there was more than a tugboat ton
full of ample conspiracies. Watch the video below for ample nonsense.
I almost am tempted to say the video is so funny, but it’s not...these are the folks making it a possibility that Trump will be the next U. S. president. Still, in the video where the voter says: “We don’t even know if he’s a citizen.” Klepper: “If you don’t look at the birth certificate there’s virtually no evidence.” Trump Voter: “Exactly!”...is priceless.
The thing is: Yes, the obvious ‘deplorables’
are evident of their improprieties, but the silent Trump voter keeping thoughts
to themselves are in that basket as well. As a former microbiologist, I say you
are going to vote for a petri dish full of germ infested grime. You are just as
responsible if Trump wins in saying it is OK due to allegiance to the
Republican Party ‘trumping’ true loyalty to nation. If it were the other way
around, Hillary sublimely suggesting Trump be shot, or calling everyone that
disagrees with her imprudent grade school names...“slob,” “fat,” “ugly,” “moron,” “stupid”...names
Trump has actually tagged opponents with, ‘Fox News’ would be rolling out the
red carpet every day for folks vilifying her; but with Trump, they attempt only
to normalize it.
Trump brags quite often about his business background, but corporate mentalities are not democratic; they are authoritarian. Take for instance the one he is considering to replace Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court; it is 1-percenter Peter Thiel. You might not recognize the name, but he is the one that bankrolled Hulk Hogan’s lawsuit against Gawker.
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The silent ones |
Trump brags quite often about his business background, but corporate mentalities are not democratic; they are authoritarian. Take for instance the one he is considering to replace Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court; it is 1-percenter Peter Thiel. You might not recognize the name, but he is the one that bankrolled Hulk Hogan’s lawsuit against Gawker.
Imagine Thiel on the U.S. Supreme Court.
Thiel is a venture capitalist and states that capitalism is far more important
than democracy. To cement that thought he insists that giving women the vote in
the U.S. was a disaster due to his opinion in that its creation of a more
equality democracy further hampered capitalism, threatening the very existence
of corporate entities.
Of course Trump and his campaign are out
there pushing for no fact checking, not only in the debates but at any time.
Trump and Republicans rely on misinforming; it is now a solid part of their repertoire.
On CBSs ‘Face the Nation’ yesterday, House Majority Leader Paul Ryan (R-WI)
after being asked by John Dickerson in reference to the Trump campaign pushing
for no fact checking, don’t you think there should be a standard to live up to
in telling the truth; Ryan replied, “So,
I think Donald Trump is new. He’s a business guy running for president. He’s
not even a politician.”
Does that excuse Trump from being
truthful, therefore afraid of fact checks? Every politician when they first ran
weren’t a politician, so in Ryan’s mind as his argument suggests, this recuses
Trump from being fact checked?
Thinned skinned, egotistical, maniacal, narcissistic,
never apologizing President Trump...also to be commander-in-chief of the
world’s mightiest military, to be the world’s main foreign diplomat with
economic ties in other countries, the one that will still maintain self-benefactor
to economic Chinese money ties, the one cozying up to former KGB chief, Count
Vladimir Putin strictly for personal gain in wealth, the one of inclusive
domestic policies, the one who claimed he could shoot anyone and get away with
it and the very one with the only finger to push the nuclear button. Once the
president has said it, it is not the job of the military to argue, their only
job is to conduct the issuance of the Commander-in-Chief’s command.
So, I inform you Republicans, if ya like
the fear factor to be scared by all of the scapegoating of other Americans by
your GOP politicians...you’ll have a lot to be fearful of in a Trump
presidency. So go ahead and pull the lever for Trump, see if he will deliver
all his promises in jobs and security, but be afraid, be very afraid when they
never materialize if he wins, for your own Armageddon of his true vendetta
self-glorification nature and policies are just around the corner.
Ya know, even though Trump boasts of
having a “very good brain” and the “world’s best memory,” he appears to
conveniently forget that he was for the Iraq War, even said so beginning in
2000. On a ‘Fox News’ September 18 interview, he claimed he was never a fan of
Colin Powell when he called Mr. Powell the “best
and brightest” in his own book, ‘The America We Deserve’. As far as his ties
with the Russian government and Russian oligarchy ties go, he all of a sudden
has contracted amnesia of Carter Page, a former Russian energy consultant who
was on Trump’s foreign policy team. Page had under the shelf dealings with the
Russian government. Claiming now that Page had no role in the Trump
administration, Trump himself said just this past March to the ‘Washington
Post’ editorial board’s recorded interview that Page was one of five on Trump’s
policy advisory team. Trump claims he has never done business or been
associated with convicted felon, Felix Sater, who has had ties to the Russian
mafia. Unfortunately for Trump and his world’s greatest memory, there are
plenty of photos with the two together as the business card below aptly shows.
Trump most likely perjured himself denying
in a general GOP debate argument with Jeb Bush that he had never approached
Bush to allow Florida gambling where Trump could open a Miami gambling casino.
Then stated if he really wanted it he would have gotten it. The debate goes as
Bush: The one guy that had some special
interests that I know of that tried to get me to change my views on
something—that was generous and gave me money—was Donald Trump. He wanted
casino gambling in Florida.
Trump: I didn’t—
Bush: Yes, you did.
Trump: Totally false.
Bush: You wanted it, and you didn’t get
it, because I was opposed to—
Trump: I would have gotten it.
In 2007, Trump hired the shady
character, Richard Fields to convince Bush to allow casino gambling in Florida.
But Fields quit, whereupon Trump sued him insisting he lost the opportunity to
develop a Florida casino. The trial went like this:
Lawyer: You knew that Governor Bush, Jeb
Bush at that time, was opposed to expansion of gaming in Florida, didn't you?
Trump: I thought that he could be
convinced otherwise.
Lawyer: But you didn't change his mind
about his anti-gaming stance, did you?
Trump: Well, I never really had that
much of an opportunity because Fields resigned, telling me you could never get
what we wanted done, only to do it for another company.
One of Trump’s stories is false and if
it is in the court version under oath that is a felony. And Republicans call
Hillary the ‘crooked’ one...
Look, Trump is a thoughtless man except
when it comes down to his needs and wants. One thing I will give him is that he
is very transparent on his lack of ethics and subtlety. For some strange
reason, like a magnet this draws his base even deeper into his clutch.
Republicans saying not to worry, he’ll settle once in office surrounded by his
team of professionals to keep him in tow, don’t get that there are no core
values to him. You do what he says and if one doesn’t, she or he is fired.
So don’t be hoodwinked by the
McConnell’s and Ryan’s who declare that Trump will graciously fall in line
with his White House counsel. He won’t. Trump is not going to change overnight
after 70 years in the making. If someone criticizes him or even disagrees with
him, with his shallow confidence, he will attack.
True conservatism is no longer vital in
the Republican Party. Exclusive nationalism under the cloak of being a
predominately white family values, provincial Christian nation has finally
caught up to the GOP vendetta. This alienation in all things Americana has made
the Republican Party the minority. If Trump has any message tacked onto his
lapel it is solely this: Republican connotations of untruths in taking
advantage of ignorance in truth, Trump is their sounding board messaging in the
most simplest of terms the vermin of bias, hate and fear to achieve his own
goals at the expense of everyday Americans.
Truthfully, which is the most logical
pick for the betterment of all Americans? One shouldn’t have to even speculate.
Vigilance in
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