Upon Opening the Fridge
(Beforehand Don’t Waller with the Hawgs)
Dead Away:
The Supreme Court of the United States
(SCOTUS) caught an awful lot of folks off-guard with its final findings on the
Affordable Care Act (ACA), but in particular the Republicans. As a stalwart
majority conservative court, it indeed was a bit surprising. Virtually every
prior majority ruling beforehand by Roberts’ SCOTUS was conservative in nature
from all US Chamber of Commerce cases favoring the organization, striking down
Washington D.C. gun laws to the Citizens United versus Federal Election
Commission decision. Yepper, with the historical background in Roberts’ court
decisions, while conservatives were frothing at the bits, liberals had resigned
themselves to accepting defeat of the healthcare bill. Yet Roberts, the budding
star for conservatives in judicial political activism, had a surprise
package…he could and did set political ideological beliefs aside and be
apolitical in constitutionality and pure in interpretation of law.
But, Ka-BOOM, just like that, not only did the final decision catch
folks flat-footed, it was Chief Justice John Glover Roberts Jr. himself who
shifted the 5-4 majority opinion from nay to yea for the bill’s full constitutional
merit. Immediately, emotional fallout ensued from Republicans, for they felt as
if they had been Benedict Arnold’ed by Roberts.
Aside from the fact that CNN and of
course Fox News initially misreported, conservatives, after the added burden of
false hope, initial emotional impact began to stir, brew then boil, eliciting
them to react in not so an ordained manner. From outrage to utterly stunned
disbelief, the reactions came forth…
& Vendetta:
Rick Perry (Texas Republican governor
and failed Republican presidential candidate)… “The Supreme Court has abandoned
Michele Bachmann (Minnesota Republican
Representative and another failed Republican presidential candidate) stated in her
usual confusing and display of ignorance way… “This was an activist court that
you saw today. Anytime the Supreme Court renders something constitutional that
is clearly unconstitutional, that undermines the credibility of the Supreme
Court. I do believe the court's credibility was undermined severely today,”
while later adding that, “Congress could now force you to buy Ikea furniture.”
Rick Santorum who is also yet another
failed Republican candidate and at present, chairman of his own Patriot Voices,
came out with a comment on the ruling through the organization that stated, “Today's
outcome is the worst of all scenarios. Not only are our rights being taken away
and Americans are being forced to do something we don’t want to do, but now we
are being burdened with the biggest permanent tax increase in our nation’s
history. This is a sad day.” He further takes advantage of the situation to
pummel President Obama by adding,
“President Obama believes he is above
the law, entitled to abusing his power to get what he wants, and willing to
violate the constitution and the oath he was sworn to uphold. He has proven to
be a very dangerous person to have this kind of power, and if he is not stopped
this November, I am fearful that the make-up of this country as established by
our founders will never be the same.”
Funny that, why Santorum feels Obama
presents himself above the law and behaves in an unconstitutional manner, just
after the supreme court of the land ruled that the new healthcare act is indeed
within the law and constitutional. Actually, it appears from the ruling, by a
conservative majority court no less that Santorum’s side is the one acting
unconstitutional by portraying and presenting a justified law to the federal
courts as unlawful. But, that’s Santorum for ya.
Both Republicans, House Speaker John
Boehner and Representative Paul Ryan on CBSs ‘Face the Nation’ (07/01/2012) and
ABCs ‘This Week’(07/01/2012) vow to bring up a repeal vote in the House and rip
‘Obamacare’ up by its roots, never minding that House Republicans have repealed
the law over thirty times before either in bits or whole parcel.
After host, Nora O’Donnell states the
fact that portions of the bill are very popular, such as exempting insurers the
right to deny existing conditions, she presses on, “Are you sure you want to
repeal the whole bill,” Boehner replies, “The law has to be ripped out by its
On ‘This Week’ Ryan similarly states,
“Chamber Republicans will repeal the entire law. The stakes could not be
Eric Cantor (Republican House Majority
Leader) immediately makes a statement that he has set a date to repeal the law
after reconvening from the July Fourth recess on July 11, less than two weeks
from when the act was actually declared constitutional.
Cantor said on CBSs ‘This Morning’
(06/29/2012) “We know that most of the American people don’t like this law,”
further adding, the Republican controlled House will, “look toward the kind of
healthcare people want,” which is, “patient-centered.”
What Cantor means in his statement of so
called “patient-centered” is to play on the unfounded fears of a government
takeover of insurance coverage where federal officials dictate the opinions of
a patient’s doctor. This is not only totally bogus it is an out ‘n’ out fib. The
new healthcare act will still be run by the private market, except that now,
there will be in-placed new laws, ensuring the insurance industry won’t be able
to dictate to a patient’s doctor what procedures they will or won’t pay for. In
other words, under the new law, patient doctor relationships will be more in
their control and decision making rather than an outside entity such as an
insurer’s greed motivated factors or a government’s stipulations. This is the
way it is intended to be and should be. Now who can argue against that? Apparently
only Republicans…
Senate Republican Minority Leader, Mitch
McConnell in all his wisdom stated that, “Repeal of Obamacare will be the first
item up in the Senate if I am Majority Leader,” while adding, “What I can tell
you with certainty is that there is no higher priority with me, and the
presidential candidate [Mitt Romney] has made it perfectly clear that he would
sign any repeal legislation that we sent to him.”
Now in complete contrast, in coming back
from the recess, as opposed to wasting another session in repealing a law
deemed constitutional, the Democrat majority senate will be taking up a vote
count considering tax cuts for small businesses to generate job hiring. These
Republicans cannot accept the Supreme Court’s verdict and let it rest, as if
their vendetta controls them excluding any rational thinking.
To accurately portray the reactions of
members of congress from the Democrat and Republican aisles of the Supreme
Court’s ruling, I feel the Associated Press’s photo below hits the mark square
on the jaw…
More on the scornful side and alarm,
there were conservatives not so kind in their response to the ruling. Pundit
conservatives like, Brent Bozell, founder and president of the Media Research
Center proclaimed, “His [John Roberts] reputation is forever stained in the
eyes of conservatives, and there will be no rehabilitating of it. He will be
seen as a traitor to his philosophy.”
Michael Savage on his radio show told
his listeners on 06/28/2012 that chief justice Roberts had to be high on drugs
due to epilepsy affecting his cognitive reasoning, because for sure his final
ruling could not have been due to rationale reasoning. After that explanation,
Savage precludes, “…a tipping point has been reached in the dawning of red
America. We are now becoming Venezuela on the way to becoming Castro’s Cuba.”
He ends it all with, “Let me remind you Roberts is the spawn of George W. Bush.
Roberts is a compromised Supreme Court justice.” In ending, he proclaims
Obamacare will bankrupt America, no matter that the Congressional Budget Office
says the healthcare act will actually add revenue and savings to the U.S.
treasury for the mid to long term once it’s fully enacted and implemented.
Conservative writer Ben Shapiro tweeted
that, “Chief Justice Roberts was the worst part of the Bush legacy.” Oh, I
don’t know, maybe the worst Bush legacy might be tossing the country into its
worst recession ever experienced by throwing us into an unheeded and unneeded
war with no revenue except for the continual borrowing from China to finance
the wars. Yeah, that could be perceived as a lot worse don’t ya think…
Representative Louie Gohmert from Texas
said, “It’s time for the American people to get outraged.” Congressman Gohmert,
whom himself once was a judge, also threw-up his frustration out on Supreme Court
Justice, Elana Kagen by spitting out that she “may need to be impeached.” Ya
see, he doesn’t like that lady because she is way too liberal in his views and
feels like she had early involvement in the orchestration of the healthcare
The nitwit former congressman from
Indiana, Mike Pence, presently running for that state’s governorship likened
the Supreme Court's ruling upholding the democratic healthcare to the September
11th terrorist attacks. Nice call Michael, anyone that would compare
providing healthcare insurance to millions of uninsured Americans to an act
that killed thousands of Americans, deserves more chagrin than to simply be
called a nitwit.
Now it starts getting a bit nasty. Founder
of the Merrimack Tea Party of New Hampshire and former town councilor of
Merrimack raged on a Facebook post that, “I hope that the 5 supremes get colon
cancer.” He did later retract. Former GOP spokesman of the state of Michigan,
Matt Davis ranted, “If government can mandate that I pay for something I don’t
want, then what is beyond its power? If the Supreme Court’s decision Thursday
paves the way for unprecedented intrusion into personal decisions, then has the
Republic all but ceased to exist? If so, then is armed rebellion today
justified? God willing, this oppression will be lifted and America free again
before the first shot is fired.” Apparently not yet simmered down, Davis hasn’t
recanted and is sticking to his statement. Sounds a bit jihadist doesn’t it…ya
know, “God willing” and all…
A more loony statement comes from the
author of the popular conservative blog, ‘ToBeRight’ where he claims that David
Axlerod, Obama’s chief campaign manager threatened John Roberts stating, “Someone
[AKA Axlerod] got to Roberts. I bet they got to him and told him he has to vote
this way or members of his family – kids, wife, parents, whoever – were going
to be killed.” Wow, someone please pass the mustard and gravy to give some
flavor to this greasy order of mashed potatoes.
Glenn Beck not only called Chief Justice
John Roberts a coward, he had T-shirts made-up with Roberts’ face and the word
‘coward’ spelled out with all letters capitalized.
But of course then there’s Rush
Limbaugh. He’s on a mission to screw the court ruling and justices. Sure, let’s
take matters into our own hands, for this is not a democracy of laws but a
country made-up of vigilante parties. Limbaugh raged on his 06/28/2012 radio
show ranting that the “Supreme Court just deceived the American public,” and ushered,
“Obamacare is nothing more than the largest tax increase in the history of the
world and the people who were characterizing it as such were right.” Now speak
of deception that’s a bit of a stretch.
It appears that ‘Obamacare’ is here to
stay. Someone might want to remind Limbaugh that in 2010 if it ever became law
he stated that he would definitely move to Costa Rica. Has anyone seen him
packing yet? Oh and huh, when that one reminds him of his promise in moving,
you might want to also whisper into one of his bippy ears that Costa Rica also
has universal healthcare. That should go down just fine.
Blindly Go Where the Blind Should Not:
This was really a jolting hit to
conservatives. For ya see, they don’t mind fighting for wrong, they just don’t
like it being revealed they were wrong, such as in a Supreme Court decision.
Now their mantra is that it is a tax. The thing is whether it is a tax or a
penalty it only affects 1% of the American populace. So, as Republicans rail about whether it's a penalty or tax, what have they as an alternate to replace
Well Mitch McConnell says that the
states have the right and should address it. On ‘Fox News Sunday’ this past
Sunday, host Chris Wallace asked McConnell how Republicans planned to cover 30
million uninsured, which is what the new healthcare bill will reach out of the
50 million plus Americans that are currently uninsured. This was the callous
McConnell’s reply, “That is not the issue,” then adds, “The question is how to
go step by step to improve the American health care system. It is already the
finest health care system in the world.” Wallace, a bit taken aback interrupts and ponders, “You
don’t think 30 million uninsured is an issue?” In defending his statement
McConnell injects, “We’re not going to turn the American healthcare system into
a western European system.”
McConnell speaks as if Western Europe
healthcare is in turmoil as it actually is here in the U.S. Despite what
Republican politicians and pundits claim, America is currently ranked 37th
in the world’s countries when it comes to quality healthcare. Despite being the
most expensive healthcare system in the world, when it comes to quality
healthcare, America is at the bottom of the heap…dead last when compared to
other advanced countries’ healthcare systems such as Canada, Australia, New
Zealand and the three western European countries of the Netherlands, Germany
and the United Kingdom.
Wallace then queried McConnell, “If you
repeal Obamacare, how will you protect those people with pre-existing
conditions?” Where McConnell stated, “Over half of the states have high risk
pools that deal with that issue,” then assures Wallace that the states could
cover the tens of millions of folks that have pre-existing problems.
The states huh, now let me get this
straight…McConnell wants to throw all this off onto individual states just to
get rid of that 1% penalty or tax under the new federal healthcare bill where the
states will now have to be required to tax all their citizens to pay for it?
I’m confused, let’s see, to take away a tax that only affects 1% of the
American populace and shove it off onto all the backs of a state’s taxpayers,
just doesn’t appear sensible or even logical to me. Anyway…that’s McConnell’s
Needless to say, I don’t think John
Roberts will be invited to any Tea Party parties anytime soon, but maybe so
just yet. I should note that there was one silver lining in not only a
Republican’s response, but by the Godfather of the Tea Party, Rick Santelli.
His reaction should’ve caught most off-guard just like the Supreme Court’s
decision did. Santelli stated, “You know what, the Supreme Court did what it
thought best. I believe in that process, whether I agree with it or not. I
challenge the conservatives in Congress to take this decision with respect.
With respect!” He said this as CNBCs on-air editor this past Thursday just
after the Supreme Court 5-4 final decision and I commend Santelli. If only the
rest of Republicans could be as civil.
Hypocrites Oath:
Many Republicans in congress have adult
children on their healthcare insurance. When approached by a Huffington Post
reporter about his 24-year-old son on a parent’s healthcare plan, Representative
Joe Walsh (R-IL) responded, “He is on his health plan---his mother’s plan---but
again, that wouldn’t weigh in on where I stand on the issue.”
Senator Bob Corker, the Republican from
Tennessee has at least one adult daughter on his federal health plan, for he
can’t recall if his other daughter is or not. But he fills if the healthcare
act is repealed, out of the goodness of their greedy little hearts, insurers
will keep the 26 of age child policy intact. Corker says, “They're going to
continue that anyway. I think the insurance companies have all kind of decided
that that's an okay thing. They were in our office, they've been in our office
in the last few weeks.” Well Corker that’s a corker; good luck with that.
Republican Representative Pete Sessions
of Texas who has a 22-year-old son as a full time student, so insures him,
states that he’s enthralled with that part of the plan even though he’s going
to vote to repeal the whole bill outright. He states, I support it. Oh sure, it
would be in any Republican proposal.”
Representative Scott Rigell (R-VA) has
his 21-year old daughter on his own private plan but, before the new healthcare
bill mandated that insurers cover children up to 26 in age, insurance companies
did not do this on their own, except for a few with a high price tag attached
to it.
Despite his opposition to and
campaigning against ‘Obamacare’ Senator Scott Brown of Massachusetts, who has a
23-year-old daughter was asked if he had his daughter on his federal healthcare
plan and if he planned to keep her on it. His reply simply was, “Oh course I
These brilliant minded Republican
lawmakers who want to keep their adult children on their health plans but yet still
repeal the very law that mandated insurers cover adult children on parental
policies is ironical. They may face some ironical quagmires as well in doing so
and justifiably should.
Fox Guarding the Hen Roost:
We all know where Romney stands on Obama
policies, for he publicly preaches his disdain towards them, even the ones that
are molded to acts of his own past political policies in the likes of universal
healthcare, gun control and women’s rights to reproductive care including abortions.
On his speech stumps he constantly rants of the Obama administration’s total
failure in policy making whether it be in foreign affairs or the domestic
economy. He’s made it plain of what he thinks of Obama’s actions, but therein
lies the dilemma…Romney preaches disfavor of Obama acts while having no action
or plan of his own to counter. What are his proposed plans to fix what and
where he thinks Obama has failed? No one knows, for he’s not a telling kind of
guy when it comes to himself.
His party has taken note and given
notice. There is a brewing concern over the acceptability of Romney’s campaign
by stalwart Republicans. The effervescent conservative Billy Kristol wrote in a
column asking, “Is it too much to ask Mitt Romney to get off autopilot and
actually think about the race he’s running?” He further advises, “Adopting a
prevent defense when it’s only the second quarter and you’re not even ahead is
dubious enough as a strategy. But his campaign’s monomaniacal belief that it’s
about the economy and only the economy, and that they need to keep telling us
stupid voters that it’s only about the economy, has gone from being an annoying
tick to a dangerous self-delusion.”
The conservative Wall Street Journal,
owned by Rupert Murdock put it this way in an editorial last week, “The Romney
campaign thinks it can play it safe and coast to the White House by saying the
economy stinks and it’s Mr. Obama’s fault…Thanks, guys, but Americans already
know that. What they want to hear from the challenger is some understanding of
why the President’s policies aren’t working and how Mr. Romney’s policies will
do better.”
Speaking of Murdock, he recently
tweeted, “Tough [Obama] Chicago pros will be hard to beat unless [Romney] drops old friends from team and hires some real pros. Doubtful.”
Of course Republicans are getting
nervous, for their choice of candidate is threatening the very agenda they have
been strategizing and promoting since Obama’s first day in office and that’s
the defeat of Obama in 2012. The point is, it’s not just Romney, it is the
Republican Party in general. They have no plans of their own except for the
corrosive Ryan Budget plan in addressing America’s woes. They have no answers,
so reply in unkind in attacking Obama at every venue, for that is their only
In past articles I have mentioned scores
of times when a Republican speaks their favorite out phrase when confronted
with the American economic and unemployment woes. Their reply simply is, “Get a
job.” This exact same scenario just repeated itself again in Florida with a seasoned
veteran Republican congressman.
The story goes like this…21 year term GOP
Representative C.W. ‘Bill’ Young was asked by a constituent if he would support
a bill to raise the minimum wage. Young’s blunt reply was, “Probably not.” The
constituent then went on to suggest that $10.00/hr. would give a living wage.
Young’s blunt and rude reply was, “How about getting a job.” To which the
constituent responded, “I do have one.” Young’s blunt, rude and apparently
forgetful reply in that the man had just said he is employed was but once
again, “Get a job,” then Young walks off.
Apparently the old Clinton “I feel your
pain” days are over in Democrat relating, replaced by “get a job” times (when
there are no jobs to get) in GOP abandonment.
You see, in blaming Obama for all our
economic woes that catapulted under the Bush years, Republicans have no answer,
so quickly revert to the, “Get a job” line. But of course Romney is following
the same GOP script of attacking those trying to question and solve the ills,
but with no action on their own part in obtaining solutions. It’s the same Republican
attitude in Global Warming. No empirical studies of their own, so simply throw doubt into the winds by attacking climatologists that have indeed done the decades long studies.
There is upheaval in the GOP and it
reflects in Romney’s campaign. Since the SCOTUS ruling took the baloney out of
the Republican’s lunch pail, they decided to attack the insurance mandate that
John Roberts said was a tax instead of a penalty. But Romney’s campaign is even
confusing more that issue than it already was. Where Romney is preaching that
it is definitely a tax, his campaign management is on the airways, saying indeed it is
not, it’s a penalty, while also expressing Romney concurs that it is a penalty,
no matter apparently what he says in his speeches.
Here is a guy that Wall Street is truly
in love with because his only discourse in business management was as a venture
capitalist. His job was not to create jobs for workers and better communities,
his job was to pad the pockets of investors along with his own open wallet and
better Wall Street. Communities around the country that Bain had taken over
businesses suffered for it along with workers losing lifelong jobs and pensions.
Bain sought out and preyed on struggling manufacturing companies, intentionally
over ran company budgets they took over while squeezing out the monies for
investor profits, or simply downsized outsourcing company services overseas.
Romney led Bain Capital to invest in
Stericycle, a business that disposes medical wastes including aborted fetuses.
Romney campaign management swears that he had nothing to do with the investment
due to his departure of Bain to manage the 1999 Salt Lake City Olympics, but a
journal investigation disputes that claim showing Romney personally controlling
11% of the shares in Stericycle while Bain was in control of 23% of the shares.
Romney personally signed the November 1999 13D form filed for the Security
Exchange Commission (SEC), which detailed the acquisition. As the only Bain
executive listed on the form, this document states that Romney was the one
holding ‘voting and dipositive power” over Bain’s shares of the medical waste
disposal company.
This suggests that all the other Bain
ventures that Romney’s campaign says he didn’t participate in due to the time
frame may in fact be false. The only reason they want to break ties with Romney
and Bain is politically motivated. The truth of Romney tied in with Bain’s
outsourcing will hurt when the public learns. The Stericycle connection is indicative
that even if he had physically left Bain, he was far from retired from it. In
my opinion that is probably what lies in his overseas accounts that he
stubbornly refuses to reveal…his continued profits from Bain.
The disgraced London banker, Robert
Diamond who admittedly attempted to manipulate the Libor rate (London interbank
offered rate), a key global metric used to set everything from credit card to
mortgage interest rates, resigned from his Barclays CEO post. For June 28, Diamond
had scheduled a fund raiser dinner party for Romney in London and Romney had
gladly accepted. Although the actual amounts of the plates were kept secret,
according to the London newspaper, ‘Telegraph’ “the price of invitations dwarfs
the amounts paid for such fund-raisers in British politics.” After the
revelations of Diamond’s illegal activities, it was Diamond who canceled the
event, not Romney, Romney was still raring to go.
Romney does state his way to cut taxes
is that for his first act as president is to have ‘Obamacare’ repealed.
Wow…that sure will be a lot of cutting.
ponder but just with one query, is this man the one you wish to run the U.S.?
In prioritizing corporate gains there
necessarily is no need for socialized pains. In the GOP mandate that there is
no synchronization of progress as perceived between corporate wealth and social
programs needs some serious reevaluation.
This week Americans celebrated
Independence Day on July 4th by eating hotdogs while watching
parades and fireworks. The country’s independence isn’t so revealed though in
class history books.
Back in the summer of 1776, most who
made-up the Continental Congress and who would sign the Declaration of
Independence were upper class aristocrats that were concerned with liberty, but
not too much on equality, in particular economic equality. Most, even including
Thomas Jefferson, felt that citizens who didn’t own a sufficient amount of
property should not be allowed to vote, nor have the right to run for office.
But there was another group of patriots who thought differently with names you
might not have heard of like James Cannon, Christopher Marshall, Timothy
Matlack and Thomas Young, but one you probably have…Thomas Paine.
This group of radical economists for the
day felt that all classes should have equal access to all freedoms afforded.
These men influenced Samuel Adams and his half-hearted cousin John Adams to
hammer away at the rest of congress to hold all men as created equal. While
this occurred in the Philadelphia congressional chamber, outside, Thomas Paine
and his patriots organized a militia composed of laborers and tenant farmers that
led a successful but bloodless coup.
These actions created a flow, then a
swift stream of ideology that upper classmen holding large properties had no
more rights than the immigrant tenant holding no property. Of course we all
know these radical concepts at the time did win over the favor of all the
Continental Congress, for we can view it to remind us at any time in the
Declaration of Independence.
Our forefathers were not just against an
unjust government, but they were assailing corporate just as well. The
monopolistic East India Company controlled not only all the tea imported into
the colonies, but influenced over half of the world’s governing transactions at
the time. The company even had its own army.
Tyranny, subjugated favoritism and
misrepresentation are what forefathers fought against; individual rights,
liberty and independence are what they fought for. Republicans tend to forget
fairness to each and every individual. No matter the strain on one who has
worked hard his whole life but is currently struggling, conservatives simply
state, ‘good luck with that.’ I’ve actually heard a Tea Party member express that
he has experienced depression thinking that his tax dollars have to go to
people that didn’t earn it. How does he know who it’s going to and if his tax
dollars aid and benefit someone on hard time, it should at least put a grin on
his face. There is a stark contrast in liberal and conservative attitude that
ultimately affects behavior. Just like in America’s early colonial aristocracy,
Republican behavior is attempts to purge voting rights, bitterness towards
those in need and not just being anti-immigration, but anti-immigrant.
If you truly believe that protecting
corporate interests, viral lobbyism, the untold billions of dollars being
thrown at Washington influencing and affecting government is sound policy
that’s one thing. But, if you also further feel that that is simply fair play
for average Americans who haven’t the monetary resources to play the game, just
their vote…I just wonder what mountain peak yore sitting atop of.
If you truly believe that corporate
welfare cleverly disguised as commodities, foreign investment havens, subsidies
and forgiveness for regulatory violations is OK, but constantly rant about any
social program for the average American is socialism…I just wonder a bit more
from what river you reside under.
Republicans constantly complain that
America has the highest corporate tax rate of any country at 35%. Perhaps it
does, but with all the infinite tax loopholes, breaks and forgiveness, name me
one large American corporation that even comes close to paying that amount and
I’ll buy ya a cherry or grape popsicle; it’s your choice.
The video below is a quintessential
example of how Republicans make a mockery of themselves in only attacking Obama
on the economy while recusing themselves of no blame. CNNs Wolfe Blitzer asks Republican
National Committee (RNC) chairman Reince Priebus a direct but simple question...Do you condone Republican Florida Representative Allen West’s controversial
comments in that President Obama wants Americans “to be his slave.”
West’s full statement was, “He does not
want you to have the self-esteem of getting up and earning and having that title
of American. He’d rather you be his slave,” as stated in a Port St. Lucie,
Florida campaign event.
Here he is, Preibus, leader of the RNC
and cannot muster up enough courage to censure West’s comment, but instead
actually says he is a rising star in the Republican arena, then deflects to
pounding Obama.
As I bid you adieu, watch it.
Hoping All Had a
Happy Firecracker Day!
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