Monumental Muddle
If any country wants to work its way out
of poverty…easy access to affordable education for its citizenry is one hallmark
route in achieving that goal. Apparently, this current congress doesn’t think so
The underlying rhetoric of the Republican
platform is simply to get the federal government out of education altogether
from kindergarten on up to college post graduate levels. Their preference is to
have for-profit private corporations educate our children, so, in particular in
the red states, have been really pushing charter and religious schools onto the
scene. I s’pose that’s quite nice and all, but it doesn’t get the taxpayer off
the hook and could even cost more if these private industries demand more
profit. These for-profit education businesses are not there solely for our
children’s educational welfare and enlightenment, no, as for any corporation
the bottom line is profit. If needed, they will not hire more trained teachers
unless it is justified by a profit margin.
This mandated GOP line of thought also
transgresses over into college student loans. By doing nothing the House
allowed student loans to double in interest this July 1st. So now,
where student loans were 3.4% on federally subsidized Stafford loans, they have
jumped to 6.8%.
Of course, conservatives will argue that
6.8% is still a low interest rate, but what they neglect to see is troubling.
At approximately $1.1 trillion, student loans are the highest outstanding
credit debt in America. That accounts for nearly one-quarter of all direct
federal borrowing. With the condition of the current economy, the new rate is
even higher than what’s offered from private lenders. From congress’ ‘Joint
Economic Committee’ estimates, the costs that this will pass on per each student
loan is $2,600.00. That is an enormous add to the already trillion dollar plus
student debt.
According to the ‘U.S. Census Bureau’
statistics, this amount will be added onto the already averaged student loan
debt rate of $27,547.00 for each borrower. Along with this average rate per
borrower, already one in eight borrowers have $50,000.00 dollars in loan debt.
The graph statistics below provided by
the ‘U.S. Census Bureau’ along with the ‘Institute for College Access &
Success’ also emphasize the burden placed on our college students in attempts
to obtain higher educations.
Graph I compares the amount of debt
placed on students from 1993 to 2011, while for-profit universities with much
higher semester fees than state colleges are not even included in this graph.
Graph II, broken down by gender shows
that more recent graduate males move back in with the parents than do females,
but both are high considering that a college degree should be opening doors to
Graph III, displaying unemployment for
recent graduates, reveals the major reason for the statistical results of Graph
House Republican lawmakers had vowed to
not only keep the interest rates from doubling, but to lower it; however their
actions proved exactly the opposite. With partisan politics in full swing and
even internal party disagreement the House simply left the congressional floor
for July 4th vacationing.
In May, House Republicans did pass a
bill to tie rates into the financial market, but that failed due to opponent
fears that the rates could escalate under an improving economy particularly when
this bill was requesting a 5% loan rate. I also do blame House Democrats for
their passiveness and timid confrontation to make the House majority
Republicans respond. The House had a good full year to do so…but kept it well
behind the backburner.
The battle over at the Democrat majority
senate didn’t fare well either for college student debt. There were bills
brought forth for a vote but were all dropped due to internal wrangling during committee
hearings. Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) attacked a bipartisan cosponsored bill to
address his and Senator Jack Reed’s (D-RI) bill that would extend the 3.4% loan
rate for two years, but senate Republicans filibustered it from receiving the
necessary 60 votes.
The most common sense bill is Senator
Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) proposal to drop the rate to what bankers receive in
borrowing rates at 0.75%. Technically, according to the ‘Congressional Budget
Office’ (CBO), the federal government annually makes $51 billion off of student
loans. Dropping the rate down to 0.75% would still provide a margin of
government income, but not be raking in the high dollar profits from struggling
students. Government should not be in the business of
profiting off students. Warren’s bill hasn’t received attention from any of the parties, while
Republicans do their usual wail in that it will cost the government too much.
Democrats are saying once they return
from vacation, they will ratify a bill to extend the 3.64% loan rate for another
two years to give time in placing a more efficient permanent bill. But at the
same time, Republicans are insisting they will filibuster that effort if it is
brought forward.
Perhaps when we whittle down educational
opportunities for all our own and have to strictly import intelligent minds in
their perspective fields, then we’ll finally place some importance on educating
our children.
The senate finally passed a long overdue
immigration bill. It fulfilled the needs of senate Republicans by showing
immigrants in this country (primarily the Latino community and more
specifically the Mexican portion) that the GOP can work on their behalf, while
cosmetically adding more manpower patrols and fences along the Mexican/USA border
to console their conservative base.
It nonetheless is not an easy hurdle for
the eleven million something illegal immigrants, for it is a thirteen year
process where they will be put in the back of the line having to fulfill many
requirements such as paying an upfront fine, fluently learning proper English,
cannot be unemployed for any length of time and go through various background
checks all just to qualify for legal status. It does however halt the ripping
apart of families through family member deportations and adds government
revenue through taxing the incomes of probationary immigrants.
To put up to an additional 700 miles of
fencing seems a bit ironic to me, for the American psyche in calling for the
tearing down of the Berlin Wall is contradictory in demanding we build our own
segregated wall. The doubling of border patrol and adding the latest in
detection technologies is going to cost an additional $46 billion in
militarizing the border. But without these amendments, the fourteen Republicans
who voted for the bill’s passage never would have.
Now it is the Republican controlled
House to either seek an executive signable immigration bill of their own or
accept the senate’s version and vote on it. Good luck with that!
Speaker of the House, John Boehner is in a big predicament and the immigration bill may be his death knell. He cannot or hasn’t the will to control his majority Republicans. This has put him in the sour pickle jar on many an occasion from the debt ceiling agreement he first reached with President Obama that was roundly denounced by his fellow Republican henchmen through Hurricane Sandy relief, the fiscal cliff negotiations, ‘Violence Against Women Act’ reauthorization, not able to get a farm bill passed and to the aforementioned discussed recent failings on student loans.
Speaker of the House, John Boehner is in a big predicament and the immigration bill may be his death knell. He cannot or hasn’t the will to control his majority Republicans. This has put him in the sour pickle jar on many an occasion from the debt ceiling agreement he first reached with President Obama that was roundly denounced by his fellow Republican henchmen through Hurricane Sandy relief, the fiscal cliff negotiations, ‘Violence Against Women Act’ reauthorization, not able to get a farm bill passed and to the aforementioned discussed recent failings on student loans.
Immigration is one tall sloppy drink for
Boehner. There is a loosed term GOP rule called the ‘Hastert Rule’ in which no
bill is to be admitted to the House floor unless first it has majority
Republican approval. While the senate’s gang of eight was negotiating the bill,
back on June 18, 2013 Boehner was abiding by the ‘Hastert Rule’ when he said if
there is no majority support of House Republicans he would not bring an
immigration bill up for a vote. That was then. Now since the senate immigration
bill has actually passed, he’s changed tone a bit. When asked by a reporter if
he would apply the ‘Hastert Rule’ to any House/Senate compromise to
immigration, he replied, “We’ll see when we get there.”
The problem is the majority of House
Republicans absolutely refuse to budge from their stance to giving illegal
aliens any route to citizenship. They call this ‘amnesty’ and that is a very
dirty cuss word for them. But if Boehner passes an immigration measure
utilizing Democrat votes along with a portion of Republican votes as well, the
majority of Republicans will denounce him as a traitor.
Representative Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA)
has already forewarned, “If Speaker Boehner moves forward and permits this to
come to a vote even though the majority of the Republicans in the House…and
that’s if they do…oppose whatever it is that’s coming to a vote, he should be
removed as speaker.”
Boehner’s control over the House
Republican majority is like a tree full of wild monkeys…how can he bring any
order of diplomatic parity to a bunch of monkeys erratically jumping from limb
to limb. On the other hand, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) appears to have
her own monkey tree under control with all Democrats lining up to vote on
sensible immigration reform.
Through all this, Boehner reads polling
results and is well aware that the majority of Americans are saying it is time
for immigration reform. Along with 70% of the Latino vote going to Obama in the
last presidential election, Boehner’s britches have tightened to the point of busting out the seams…
Last week was a big week as far as
Supreme Court decisions were concerned and there were enough conclusions to go
round in disappointing and elating both progressive and conservative sides.
Though overall, the justices’ rulings gave progressives a bit more to cheer
about even though the bench is conservatively stacked.
With a 5-4 decision in nullifying
Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act (VRA), the Supreme Court of the United
States (SCOTUS) effectively cut out the VRA heart for voting protections of
minorities. In writing the majority opinion, Chief Justice Roberts wrote that
although during earlier periods in American history voter protections were
required for certain sectors of the country to adhere to equal voting rights,
things have now changed. It is no longer needed and that it is up to congress
to enact new laws addressing voting protections. Essentially, Section 4 was
declared unconstitutional, as Roberts insisted, “Section 4’s formula is
unconstitutional in light of current conditions. Coverage today is based on
decades-old data and eradicated practices.”
Section 4 dictated that parts of the
country which has had a history of voting discrimination must receive
pre-clearance before election laws can be changed there. This law has had to be
enforced seventy-two times throughout its history in protecting equality in
voting rights.
Chief Justice Roberts claims it is no
longer needed due to the fact that voting discrimination among minorities, whether through ethnicity or political affiliation, is no longer like it was in
the open defiance of allowing minorities to vote. Conservative critics even
contend that the mere fact that there is now a sitting black president also
verifies the need to get rid of the law.
Perhaps these arguments may carry a
morsel of truth, but where now minority barriers to voting is no longer a
glaring issue, the political opponents of the VRA have been very clever in even
getting around Section 4 in yes, allowing people to vote, but discretely make
that vote not count through extreme gerrymandering of districts. Even the
disguised voter I.D. laws that are actually voter suppression, suppresses
certain voting sectors to be able to even register to vote.
These voter suppression laws were
effectively blocked in the red states legislating I.D. requirements into law.
But immediately after the SCOTUS ruling, these red states went right back to
implementing the voter suppression laws.
Texas, North Carolina, Kansas and others
announced shortly after the decision that their respective voter I.D. laws that
had been blocked would go into effect immediately. Now in these red states,
redistricting maps will no longer need federal approval. Changes in voting
procedures that had once been under the watchful eye of the law, including
early voting restrictions, can now be made law as unhindered subject only to
after-the-fact litigation.
On the opposing side of the court, I
really appreciate Justice Ruth Ginsburg’s dissent on the decision. In Roberts’
statement that America has evolved away from racial voting discrimination,
Ginsburg counters yes the American way has evolved, but discrimination hasn’t
simply gone away in this nation’s evolvement, it too has evolved. She states,
prejudice has evolved from “first generation barriers to ballot access” to
“second generation barriers” such as the likes of voter I.D.s, extreme
gerrymandering and remapping of districts.
But Justice Ginsburg’s analogy stands
alone front and center when she expressed, “Throwing out preclearance when it
has worked and is continuing to work to stop discriminatory changes is like
throwing away your umbrella in a rainstorm because you are not getting wet.”
That says it all…
On the ‘Defense of Marriage Act’ (DOMA),
Justice Anthony Kennedy sided with the more liberal base of the court in
overturning Section 3 of DOMA and California’s Proposition 8. Justice Kennedy’s
federalism stance and the liberal bloc’s equal protections rights claims paved
the way to a 5-4 decision in declaring DOMA’s Section 3 and Proposition 8 as
unconstitutional according to the Fifth Amendment.
Justice Kennedy, appointed by President
Reagan, truly is a swinger of sorts, for he usually is the swing vote in the
current Supreme Court. Section 3 forbade the federal government from
recognizing state level same sex marriages; therefore all federally spousal
benefits for married LGBT couples were exempted.
This is what brought the court hearing
to the Supreme Court. Edith Windsor had brought the case all the way up to the
highest court. She did so, for her lesbian partner, whom she could not marry
under law had died leaving Ms. Windsor with a $400,000.00 tax liability she
would not have had to pay, if they could have been viewed as legally
California’s ballot Proposition 8 or
Prop 8 yay/nay vote was voted on in 2008 with a majority in favor of. The law
states that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in
California. This was brought down by a 2010 California state Supreme Court
ruling as it being unconstitutional, but nonetheless still remained effective.
Now, under equal protections of federal law,
couples who truly love one another and wish to be legally married…can.
Overall, Americans had mixed views on
the Supreme Court rulings. According to an ABC/Washington Post poll put out
just after the decisions, one-third agreed with the VRA ruling where just over
half at 51% disagreed.
Broken down further, the polling results
naturally showed African Americans disproportionately disliking it by 71% while
only 6% approved. In the Hispanic communities 50% disagreed, with 40%
approving. White results showed 48% disagreeing and 33% approving.
SCOTUS decisions on allowing gay
marriages were favorable. 51% of the American public approved where 40% did
not. Allowing same sex married couples to receive benefits showed a wider
margin with 56% approving and 41% disapproving. Among party lines in favoring
the DOMA and Prop 8 rulings, 68% overall of Democrats favored the decisions
with 74% and 62% favoring respectively. Independents favored the DOMA ruling by
64% with 33% disapproving.
Virtually all categories of age, gender
and ethnicity favored the DOMA and Prop 8 rulings while disfavoring the VRA
rulings. The one category exception was political where only 36% and 29% of
Republicans were in favor of the respective DOMA and Prop 8 rulings with 64%
and 69% respectively disapproving. As far as Republicans felt on the VRA
ruling, the percentage points were within the margin of error.
The cartoon below poignantly portrays
the Republican rhetorical ideologue concerning LGBT marriages as exampled with Rush Limbaugh.
Another SCOTUS ruling in the ‘Citizens
United vs. Federal Election Committee’ is not yet back on center stage, but has
hopped back up on board. Oregon is the most recent and sixteenth state adding a
resolution to overrule through amendment the SCOTUS Citizens United ruling that
is allowing corporations to have rights just as individual citizens and opened
a floodgate of vast sums of secretive money to be poured into our local, state
and federal elections. Oregon, along with the fifteen other states is pressing Congress
to overturn the SCOTUS ruling.
I always have to scoff at how the
conservative court ruling could even imagine speech rights as wads of money
much less make it law. I also cannot envision a corporation volunteering for
service or being drafted into the military. This ruling is a gross injustice
and needs to be wiped off the slate.
to End:
That Texas state Senator Wendy Davis is one
heck of a solid rock isn’t she. I mean standing up as a little ripple in that
vast sea of majority Republicans through a grueling eleven hour straight
filibuster where she could not lean or even shift her weight from side to side,
couldn’t go to the bathroom and could only stick to the main topic in her
speech making. If she broke any of these Texas filibustering rules three
times…her filibuster would be cut off.
Texas Republicans liken Senator Cruz’s
filibustering to Ms. Davis. It hardly even compares. First, Cruz filibusters to
obstruct legislation, Davis dived in for a cause representing all women. The
Republican controlled Texas legislature demands an old fashioned filibuster as
explained above. For Cruz, in the federal senate where majority Democrats
decide the rules, he simply has to pick up the phone, state he’s filibustering,
hang up then go about his business. I wouldn’t call that much sacrifice when
comparing what Davis went through.
The Republican senate did indeed cut her
filibustering short by two hours claiming she broke three rules. Lieutenant
Governor David Dewhurst ruled that Davis violated the Texas senate procedural
rules three times and halted her filibuster even though she was more than
raring to finish. Once Dewhurst had her halt for the remaining two hours
required, the Republican senate voted her to end her argument and yield the
One supposed rule violation was that she
accepted a back brace, the other two bogus claims was that she drifted off
target concerning abortion rights when she started talking about ‘Planned
Parenthood,’ which all Republicans themselves tie abortion into and she also mentioned a 2011 enacted Texas law that requires a sonogram before an abortion
can proceed.
But once the Republican senate had her
yield, the few Democrats in the senate held the floor, which they rightfully
can do. This is when Texas Democrat state Senator Letitia Van de Putte rose up
to the microphone and inquired, “At what point must a female senator raise her
hand to be recognized over the male colleagues in the room?”
But the Republicans had the microphones
cut off to the floor to pass their sweeping anti-abortion legislation before
the deadline of 12:00 AM. As they were about to count the oral votes for
passage, spontaneously the crowd in attendance started chanting in unison, “Let
her speak, let her speak, let her speak…” It created such a raucous roar that
the attorney general could not be heard gaveling and before the count could be
conducted after quelling the crowd, midnight had already passed by a few
Even so, the Republicans forged the time
stamp as before midnight handing the bill over to Dewhurst for passage. With
international witnesses following the whole filibuster, Dewhurst knew he could
not pass the bill with the fudged time stamp, so called it dead.
The very next morning, Governor Rick
Perry rolls in to announce a special session in thirty days to pass the bill.
This will happen and the bill will be passed, but this short delay was a huge
victory for Texan Democrats and the little lady filibustering in pink running
Later on at a conservative Christian
gathering in Grapevine, Texas Perry had this to say about Davis, “She was the
daughter of a single mother. She was a teenaged mother herself.” In other words
in his train of thought, she came from trash, she is trash.
On this note, I have to end with a
personal comment. Throughout the red states, and even in the federal House
where the Republican congress just passed the ‘Capable Unborn Child Protection
Act’ this June 18, 2013 are all passing strict anti-abortion acts in supposedly
protecting a fetus, while at the same time are making it more and more
difficult in protecting pregnant working American moms.
Cases in point, the Republican majority congress
has voted thirty-seven times to repeal and gut the ‘Affordable Care Act’ which
has some very decent provisions in it for not just moms, but all women’s quality
health. From guaranteed preventive services with no copays or deductibles to
prenatal guaranteed care, it all benefits women.
The Republican House went to utilizing their
best talent of inaction by allowing the ‘The Fairness Paycheck Act’ to stall in
committee in blocking a vote on the floor seeking its legislation. It covered
pay equity, sick leave and working women’s healthcare pregnant or not.
Pregnant working women, in particular in
their later stages, have been fired from their jobs simply for being pregnant. ‘The
Pregnant Workers Fairness Act’ would have put a stop to that. In addition, it
would allow better accommodations for a pregnant employee’s work place such as
giving a stool to sit on instead of standing at the work station for eight
hours and allowing a pregnant worker, if it’s safe have drinking water at her station which
many employers refuse to allow expectant women to do, as simple as that seems.
This bill would put in place a federal standard that all employers would have
to minimally abide by. This Republican House rushed to take up 35% of their
time in repealing Obamacare, but have been letting the pregnant workers bill languish in
committee. Yes, it is so important to legislate that a pizza is a vegetable,
but to allow pregnant mothers a few rights in the workplace is gonna have to
take a back seat.
Getting back to the original point, Republican politicians say they want to protect the rights of a fetus, but ironically hold off on the rights
and protections of that fetus’ mother. In my thinking, protecting an expectant mom is the ultimate in protecting her unborn.
Now dad gummed-it-all, this just doesn’t seem fit. It surely appears more as if Republicans indeed just want to control women, for that’s the single thread here holding up their argument…
Now dad gummed-it-all, this just doesn’t seem fit. It surely appears more as if Republicans indeed just want to control women, for that’s the single thread here holding up their argument…
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